The Free Bandwidth Campaign website states that South Afrian’s monthly bandwidth allocation is not supposed to include local traffic? “According to regulations promulgated in terms of the Electronic Communications Act of 2005, all local bandwidth must be provided free to ADSL users.
“The local bandwidth regulation was gazetted as Notice 1112 of 2006, and clearly defines ‘Local Bandwidth Usage’ to mean data that can be transferred from South African based Internet Protocol addresses’. Most importantly, Notice 1112 clearly states that ‘local bandwidth usage shall not be subject to any cap’.”
The Free Bandwidth Campaign are planning a day of action on the 30th June whereby a piece of software that they are asking us to install will download “as much local content as possible” from South African websites. This is to prove that Telkom have indeed got the local capacity to provide this local bandwidth.
I’m not convinced they will have much success with the campaign as most ADSL users I know battle to stay within their monthly cap already. Personally, I haven’t decided whether I will take part or not.