I was asked on Friday if we can set up a meeting whereby at a certain point of the meeting, certain members of the meeting would be asked to leave, as the second half was confidential.
The obvious answer is two meetings, but the preference of the meeting organiser was one meeting rather than a delay as people leave one meeting and join the other.
A suggested route was to use the lobby. However, the options on the who can bypass the lobby are:
- Everyone
- Everyone in your organization and federated organizations
- Everyone in your organization
There was some confusion with regards there being an ‘Only Me’ option under the Admin Setting. This is not the case.
The option to force everyone into a lobby before entering the meeting is not currently available, however it is being worked on and hopefully will be introduced soon.
One option that was introduced in April that might help ‘herd’ people from one meeting to the next is the ability to end a meeting for all users.
To end an in-progress meeting, go to your meeting controls, select the More Options Button, and then End meeting.
My personal recommendations for meeting options from general security currently are as follows:
This post is part of my Learning out Loud series. You can read more about Learning out Loud and how it came about here: https://simonangling.com/learning-out-loud/