Yannick Lyn Fatt has published an excelent tutorial on using pagination within Code Ignitor on the Godbit Project website.
I spent many hours last week setting up pagination on my first Code Igniter based project and had intended to write up the technique sometime this weekend. Looks like I don’t have to worry now!
Thanks Yannick.
say… can you tell me… is multiple pagination possible?
example :
1 2 3 4 5>
sample data 1
1 2 3 4 5>
sample dara 2
yes, but you would have to initialize pagination twice.
it’s not the easiest to set up due to how crappy pagination works in CI.
you would set up your first and have it use uri_segment = 3
initialize and create links (and sent it to the view)
now set the new pagination to use uri_segment = 4. You will also have to hard code the current page for your first table in base_url.
then initialize again, and create links again (and send these to the view).
example please ?
its the site where this application is using and check it how accurately its working and the outlook of this site is so attractively Codeigniter example Site